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“I’ve struggled with food and my weight for most of my life. This has helped transform my life. I have gone from feeling miserable, depressed, and very stressed around food to now feeling excited to cook and to eat. I feel more alive. I feel happier and healthier, which is my goal.”

Kristin O., New Mexico

"I really feel like I am at this point in my life where I'm the healthiest that I've ever been. I’m looking at my health as physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, all of it, and that's something I've never done before with myself or my health.”

— Kelsey M., Washington, D.C.
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 Access To The Mindful Nutrition Method Online Course

 A Video Consult With McKel


  • Total payment
  • 1xMindful Nutrition Method™ Supported S$999

All prices in USD

"I left food prison and have moved into food freedom. I’m feeling so in control of my food, nutrition and overall well-being...It’s not hard anymore. In the past I’ve been entirely inconsistent in the way I care for myself. I’ve found peace and calm and confidence about all of it. ….I’m shocked at the mental and physical change I’ve experienced. I truly can’t believe how much has changed in my overall relationship with food. I’m free, not perfect, and it feels amazing. "

Shannon B., Georgia
